Tuesday, September 28, 2010

My switch to Mac!

About 18 months ago I started to make a technical migration at home from Windows to Mac. It wasn’t that I was disappointed with my “Windows experience” nor was it that I simply wanted a nicer looking computer. The key thing that drove me to make the change was software. It wasn’t even the quality of the software that made me switch. It actually came down to the extortionate prices I was going to have to pay to upgrade my somewhat out of date recording studio software. Over the years I have spent a very large sum of money on licences and upgrades with Steinberg, both on Cubase and a large number of their plug-ins. After spending around five years not upgrading the software (mainly because I wasn’t using it) the price to upgrade Cubase and my various plug-ins was astronomical! (not to mention the number of plugins no longer have an upgrade paths or even a version that supported a current operating system). Before this I had never really considered purchasing a Macintosh computer.

Some investigation later I made my choice. I was going to buy an iMac and a copy of Logic pro. The reality was that the cost of the iMac plus Logic pro (effectively starting again from scratch) was less than buying similarly specified PC and upgrading the software I already owned. 18 months on I have to say that the switch to Mac and logic has been a success. While I know that many of the features found in logic can be found in other DAW packages I am very happy with what I have available to me in logic. Being absolutely honest it still crashes from time to time just like my PC did and there are some drawbacks to having FireWire and my external audio hard drive but overall I have been extremely pleased.

My setup now includes my iMac with an additional screen and external 2 TB hard drive for audio and an apogee duet interface. I have been very, very impressed with the results that are unable to achieve. My main problem there is finding somewhere quiet enough to record. I don’t think the finances or my wife’s patience will run the soundproofing the studio and I am currently in!

The only thing I really lack now it’s time so until somebody invents the endless day I reckon my setup is pretty much complete. I will probably try not to fall too far behind on upgrades   again  though ;)

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